Monday, February 27, 2012

More Lettuce Plants

I planted more lettuce today. Lets hope they live! In case you aren't able to read the label in the picture, I have put a caption under each photo that tells you  what the label in the photo says. I planted 4 different types of lettuce, two pots of each, in each pot there are 4 seeds (of the same variety) so that it doesn't matter if some don't sprout, and if there is more than one, then I will just pull the smaller/weaker/half eaten by a slug/snail one. I have put these pots beside the front door where they will get plenty of sunlight and hopefully won't be forgotten about. When they are big enough, I am going to transplant them into our front garden.

May Queen Butter Head

Saladin Crisp Leaf

Lollo Rossa Loose Leaf

Suzan Butter Head

I'll keep you updated (well, I'll try anyway)

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