Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting The Tomato Seeds Ready For Planting Next Year

Today we were preparing the farm's tomato seeds for planting next year.about two weeks ago we picked the tomatoes, about ten of each variety and left them in the window to make sure they were fully ripe. And then, after three or four days we took out all the mushy stuff with all the seeds in it and put in to jars with the same amount again of water and left it to ferment for around a week, we did this because on the seeds there is a gelatinous coating to stop the seeds sprouting inside the tomatoes which is gotten rid of with fermentation.

after the week they looked like this
we washed out all the mold

and spread them out to dry. Once they are dry we will store them away till we are ready to plant them.

1 comment:

  1. Yer, That's a funny plan. Hope you'll have good tomatoes next year!!! Et quand est ce que tu apprends à parler Français?
    Good job, good continuation leontien.
    Corentin SISIYES
